Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Theory Of Freedom Under An Authoritative Figure

Limited Freedom under an Authoritative Figure Stanly Milgram’s experiments prove that the situations humans are placed in influence them more than their own opinions and thoughts. One’s freedom, of any kind, is restricted by circumstances or an authority in control. The â€Å"teachers† in the experiment experience a trade off between doing what is morally right and following the command of officials. This is very similar to the story of Abraham and Isaac, as Abraham compromises his morals for the sake of obeying. Although the teachers in Milgram’s experiment have the choice to discontinue the experiment, most of the teachers continue because they are reluctant to confront an authority, are fearful of what may happen if they disobey, feel pressure from the instructor, and experience intense emotions that cause them to behave irrationally. Therefore, humans struggle to make moral decisions when asked to perform corrupt acts by an authority because their freedom is restricted. The series of experiments that Stanley Milgram performed illustrates people’s reluctance to confront those who hold power, even if the action is immoral, for the sake of being obedient. Milgram researches the effect of obedience to authority to see what the teachers’ moral breaking point is. Milgram explains, â€Å"loyalty, duty, discipline, all are terms heavily saturated with moral meaning and refer to the free to which a person fulfils his obligations to authority† (Milgram 146). In other words, the teachersShow MoreRelatedModern Liberalism and Political Policies1337 Words   |  6 PagesModern Liberalism Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau’s political philosophies and theories each differ from one another’s, but these three philosophers have all staked their claims as to what man would be like, prior to the formation of the state. This is the State of Nature. Their notions on the social contract reflect their position on the political spectrum. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Managing And Being A Leader Share Similar Traits - 1487 Words

Managing and being a leader share similar traits, but each of these titles differ in terms of long term efficiency. Leading is one of the four management functions, along with planning, organizing, and controlling. For a manager to reach success, leadership is a critical factor a manager must implement daily. There are two views regarding how a manager enacts leadership. One view, the direct responsibility for an organizations success or failure links directly to the manager, or the organizations success or failure is due to external forces outside the managers control. These two categories of leadership are the guidelines that depict how a manager handles obstacles on a daily basis. Managers implement a leadership style and in doing shape themselves into the type of manager others perceive them to be. Comparing and contrasting these two leadership styles from the film 12’O Clock High, regarding General Savage and Colonel Davenport, and an article on Hurricane Katrina, regardi ng General Honore and Mr. Brown, we see which type of leadership is more effective, efficient, productive and in the long term reaches success. The omnipotent view of management states that managers are directly responsible for the success or failure of the organization. In other words, the quality of the manager is the quality of the organization. On the other hand, the symbolic view of management is a viewpoint that the organizations success or failure is due to external factors that are out of theShow MoreRelatedDifferent Types Of Leadership Styles868 Words   |  4 PagesBeing an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management style. The six management styles are coaching, strategic, laissez- faire, bureaucratic, autocratic, and democratic. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Qantas By MK free essay sample

Although the Santa has a good reputation and current strong market position, it still has to face lots of competitions in the airline industry, especially its international profit continued to decrease. However, Santa gently launched the new program which is changed its partner British Airline as cooperate with Emirates. It is clear that new cooperation brought the considerable benefit for Santa international. Therefore, the main issue is how company through these new air routes to have a long-term success of competition in the fierce internationality of airline industry, and maximum satisfy the customers and market needs. . 2 Decision Makers Key Goal (DAMS) Santa want to improve these new service offerings to retain Old consumers and attract more new consumers, and increase its profit. 1. 3 Management Decision Problem Statement (MAD) Should Decision maker need extra their flights of these new air routes? The purpose of this research project is to decide whether the Santa Airline extra their flights of it new air routes. According to Santa Data Book (201 3), Santa has a 65% share of the Australian domestic market and 18. 7% share of the international market. Moreover, Santa international still decrease its profit.Therefore, Santa has to make a decision through the recent market trend and the consumers need 1. 4 Marketing Research Problem (MR.) To determine their program for new air routes are conform to market emend Santa Airline is the largest airline company with a good reputation. In addition, it target different group to launched lots of varied program include international part. Furthermore, its international market share is 18%. However, its international still lose money. All of that can be considered the Santa did not actually understand the consumers. 1. Rationale Santa Airline need face big challenges; even it is a second oldest airline in the world and with the good reputation. Thats because the airline industry become tough and highly competitive in today. The Airline industry has been ender increasing pressure recently, from the increased competition of low- cost airlines and the terrorist events of 2001 (Cent, 2008). The convenience is one of the significant competitive advantages for airline company. In this case, Santa bookings increased five-fold after it changed its number of stops to flights of many destinations in Europe.There is no doubt that Santa have to improve its flights that offers more conveniences for their consumer. Moreover, in order to improve the competitiveness power compares with others industry and attractive more consumers. It is necessary for Santa to extra its flights for the routes which are reach many destinations in Europe. The flight operations quality is the main factor for the passengers satisfaction with the quality of service (Gaggers Pig, 201 1). Therefore, Santa may add more the flight to offers more convenience for their customer. It can attract more consumers and increase its profit. . 6 Research Objectives To determine the reason for Santa international business still lose money To evaluate the market trend of airline industry. To understand what consumers and market needs. To identify the better return on investment if company open more flights. . 0 Market Research Design According to Molar, (2008), the market research design is a research idea and research assumption for conducting the marketing research project. The purpose of this research is to help Santa increase its international profit. The company need to extra more flights in order to deal with this issue.This research will focus on the collection of information from feedback of passengers who had purchased new Santa seen,ice offerings before. Both the qualitative and quantitative methods can be used to analyze in this case study. Qualitative research provides insight into and understanding of the robber setting, while quantitative research seek to quantify the data and typically, applies some form of statistical analysis. Hence, this research will use mixed methods the focus group of qualitative research and survey methods of quantitative research.Cross-sectional Research: Cross-sectional Research includes the collection of information from any give one sample of every participant or system (Houghton Muffling Company, 2005). It can be the single cross-sectional designs or multiple cross-sectional designs. Cross-sectional research is the best way to collect data. It is also a kick and easy way that researchers can get mass data (Maxwell Cole, 2007). Longitudinal designs A longitudinal design differs from a cross-sectional design in that the sample or samples remain the same over time. According to Cherry (2009), the longitudinal designs is help researchers to observed the change of consumer behavior affect by their lifestyle changes. 2. 1 Qualitative Research A focus group or group discussion is an interview conducted by a trained moderator in a natural manner with a small group (8 to 10 participants) of respondents and collect data. The main purpose of focus group is uncovering rater depth of consumers insight and behavior and attitudes on its products (Warren Garner, 2010). The moderator plays an important role in the whole interview.In addition, the moderators skill will lead to the level and depth of information obtained. Moreover, the researchers can observe participants opinions and behaviors through one-way mirrors. Therefore, focus group offers several benefits which include more comfortable, stimulating to participation, and commonality experience etc.. For example, one participants comment may triggers a chain reaction from the other people. Nonetheless, the focus group also has some weaknesses, such as misuse, misjudge, moderation, messy and misrepresentation.As a result, according to this case, Santa should set up a target group in order to investigate passengers respond to the new Santa service offerings. Then, the company can through collect the information and data from the research to make a decision about extra the flights or not. This is also Santa major goal. First of all, Santa have to understand what consumers need is, it may can be the price or safety or convenience. Secondly, company need determine the passengers feedback. Finally, Santa can target those results to make a decision, and attract more consumers. 2. Quantitative Research The survey methods are widely used in the social sciences. The survey methods of research are based on the questioning of respondents and recording of responses (Sue Ritter, 2007). The researcher will ask the respondents about their lifestyle, preferences, attitudes, intentions, motivations, behavior, and demographics etc. (Wilson, Johns, Miller Pentecost, 2010). In addition, survey methods have some advantages which are questionnaire is easily to understand, the data is more reliability, and the doing, analysis and interpretation of data are relatively.However, the disadvantages of survey methods are respondents may refuse provide the information. For example, the respondents may consider about their private or motivational questions. Furthermore, the wording questions sometimes are not clear. Base on the self-completion and self-administered these two essential surveys, there are various ways in which survey methods can be classified which are telephone interviews, face-to-face methods, postal, and online survey etc.. With the development of technology, online survey is come one of the common research methods.Email is one of the online survey researches which is with the benefits of low cost, no interviewer bias, respondents convenience etc.. According to this case, Santa can create a questionnaire and send email to their members who had purchased the new service offerings, understand what the consumer really need and feedbacks. 2. 3 Mixed Method Mixed Method is researcher combines the qualitative and quantitative approaches in studies using mixed methods, and this method offers research issues are more complete (Mapping the mixed Methods, 2012). MixedMethod provides best way for the specific research questions being studied in a particular case. In addition, the researchers can get the more reliable result through the mixed method. Hence, the disadvantage of mixed method is time consuming and expensive (Donna, 2003). 3. Sample Data Collection Instrument The questionnaire is one of the major research methods, because both quantitative and qualitative research are provide the better way to collect a large amount of data. The questionnaire design can follow the below. This questionnaire is designed to find out whether Santa should extra flights for TTS new service offerings.You will be asked about your opinion about the new Santa service offerings. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and will in no way impact upon your relationship with Santa Airline. 1. What is your gender? Male Female Age: under 20 20-24 0 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 3. 50-54 55-64 65+ Are you a member of Santa? Yes a No 4. Whats your destination in this journey? 5. How satisfied do you think this journey? Very satisfied Satisfied Somewhat satisfied Unsatisfied 6. Will you repurchase ticket of this new route to Europe? o Yes 7. Will you recommend the service to others? 8.Do you have any good ideas about our service? Thank you for your valuable opinions. C] No 4. Sampling plans, Data collection, Data Analysis Techniques 4. 1 Quantitative technique online survey Define Target Population: The target population is all Santa passengers or members. Decide Census or Sample: The sample is decides to the Santa member who had flight to Europe before. Select Sampling Frame: The sampling frame is that Santa provide the member list and select the passengers often flight to Europe. Select Sampling Technique: The non- probability sampling can be used and the sample Of this online survey will be arrowed.Sample Size: The decision does not have the budget limit and operation is convenient. Therefore, the sample size could be 550. It will include all of members or passengers purchased the new service offerings before. Sampling Procedure: Cluster sampling 4. 1. 2 Data collection The researchers will send the questionnaire to every passenger or member through an email, and wait for them provide their opinion or feedback, and send the questionnaire back to the researchers. The respondents may have 1 month to send it back, then researchers will collect all of the questionnaires ND analyses the data. 4. . 3 Data Analysis Techniques Framework analysis of quantitative data will be used in this part. The framework method is through statistical, mathematical or computational techniques to investigate real evidence. The results will present the better way to analysis. Moreover, the company can through lucky draw to stimulate more participators offer their opinions. 4. 2 Qualitative Technique 4. 2. 1 Quantitative technique focus group Define Target Population: Santa long-term customers or members Decide Census Or Sample: The sample is decides to the Santa member who had light to Europe before.Sampling Frame: Santa provides the member list Select Sampling Technique u: Probability sampling method can be used. The researchers can ask the Santa to assist them for offer suitable members becoming the participants of survey methods. Sample Size: The researchers can ask the Santa provide the suitable members as a small group Sampling Procedure: Random selection 4. 2. 2 Data collection The organizer will invite 6-12 members as a casual seminar, such as a morning tea conversation. The participators may discuss more when they in the comfortable condition. . 2. Data Analysis Techniques Framework analysis Of qualitative data will be used in this part. The framework method is used to organize and manager research through the process of summarization, resulting and flexible output which allow the research to analysis. It analyzes the data via words and through the less universal rules and standard procedures for guide (Indonesian, 2011). 5. The limitation of the research design The limitation of online survey The main of limitation of the online survey is that respondents cannot give more their opinion.For example, if the researchers use the e-mail to send the questionnaire, most of questions on the questionnaire just have yes or no that respondents can choose more. Moreover, the length of the body of an e- mail will be limited. Furthermore, if the respondents do not have enough patience to finish the questionnaire, it will lead to authenticity of the result may have deviation. Focus group FOCUS group also has a few limitations even it has lots of advantages and is widely used in research method. First of all, the time and monetary costs are two main elements that researchers have to consider.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Speech 1100 Essay Example For Students

Speech 1100 Essay Persuasive speech Tuition fee is simply too highAttention getter: 12 pesos per credit hour 1,000 pesos per semester thats how much I paid for my education when I was in the Philippines. To break that down thats 20 U.S dollars. 20$ per semester! Can you imagine? You might not fully understand the depth of numbers that I am saying but youre about to. I might have an extreme example here, but we all pay way too much for our education. After all, almost all of you agree with me according to my survey last November 9 2015. its a problem that has a huge impact to all of us. Simply because were here and we have to pay for being here. We will write a custom essay on Speech 1100 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now CREDIBILTY: Personally I have a fear of getting to the point of borrowing money for my education simply because I cant afford it, thats why I decided to join the military next year, to get a subsidize tuition. and that is why I am interested of doing this topic. Thesis: tuition cost is too high and we only define ways to deal with that, and allow our self to not be in debt when we graduate from college. External preview: now today Im going to give you couple reasons why tuition fee is as high as it is, the cause and the solution that will help students obtain an education without going into extreme debt. S.P: now lets go to the main problem. PROBLEM:Tuition cost is simply too high. According to our COD website under tuition and aids updated last 2015, author unknown, for resident people within the district pays $151 per credit hour, thats $4,557 per year but thats not all because we still have to pay for our books. Now our tuition fee is not bad compared to private colleges and well known universities like UIC. According to UIC undergraduate admission website under all other colleges/programs, author unknown, last updated 2015: tuition fee itself cost $14,816 per year this include mandatory fees, mandatory assessment and obligation fee. But thats not all on campus room and board cost 10,882 per year and books and supplies cost around 1,400 per year. UIC students are paying around 27,098 per year. Now, how do we pay our tuition cost? Its a combination of multiple things. You can either have a parent that will pay for it, you can either have a job, you may be eligible for financial aid, you might be granted a scholarship, and the most important form of payment is student loans. Actually published an article in (New York) lastSeptember 10, 2014 author Blake Ellis. entitled more than 40 million of Americans now have student loans debt. Just the title of the article is mind boggling. Due to increasing tuition cost each year 40 million of American is now in debt, thats up from 29 million consumers in 2008, according to credit bureau Experian. 18 percent of this people expect to take their debt to the grave. According to an article posted in US News last 2014,author uknown, The average amount ofstudent loan debtagain crept up for the Class of 2013, and is approaching $30,000, according to a new report from the Institute for College Access and Success. Can you see the Irony here? According to a statistic in the website business insider posted July 13,2015. Author uknown, United State is ranked 7 riches country in the world, yet people in it is dying out of debt. S.P: now I believe that its not okay, but before we change something about that, we have to know How the Government is Making Your College Tuition More ExpensiveCAUSE:According to an article titled how the government is making your college tuition more expensive author Ben Harris, posted august 22, 2014. Found In informationstation.comEven with mounting tuition costs, college applicants still line up to compete for a seat in a university classroom. This relentless demand for higher education is primarily explained by the promise of higher wages: A college degree can help graduates secure a better job and a bigger paycheck. But because most universities can only enroll a limited number of students, the demand for a college education is much higher than the available supply. Schools respond to this demand by raising the cost of tuition. .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 , .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .postImageUrl , .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 , .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:hover , .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:visited , .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:active { border:0!important; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:active , .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3 .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u07322318bf4c091560a98620a409c1e3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rousseau And Mill On The Arts And Sciences EssayBelieve it or not, government subsidies make matters even worse. You see, subsidies bring down the costs of a product or service. And when things are less expensive, demand rises. Higher demand means higher costs. And even for those students who do graduate, college doesnt always deliver on its promise of higher income: Many students graduate and take positions they could have earned without attending four years of collegeand without spending tens of thousands of dollars. I want you to open your eyes to your surrounding, I want you to be more politically engage. Furthermore, I brought up some solution in an international, nat ional and community level that will help us lower down the tuition cost and solve the problem once and for all. SOLUTION. International: a pretty good example of free higher education is Germanys college system. Now we pay at least $400-$500 per subject but according to an article how German higher education controls costs. At , Author Kirk Carapezza, published Tuesday march 31, 2015. German students think its way too much, they dont want to pay for $500. They think its way too much for them, so they went out to the street and protest against that, they didnt like that. So the universities changed their system, and said alright if you dont want to pay that much we can do it for free. So now the only thing student pays are the general fee of $300 per year. This fee includes library fees, mandatory fees, and also yearly bus ticket to get from one place to another. According to JJ Feinauer author of an article entitled, countries that offers free higher education. Published July 10, 2013 Argentina, Denmark, Greece, turkey, Brazil, Germany, Finland, France, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden. Is e njoying the knowledge given by free education. If they can enjoy the quality of education why cant we? After all we are a free country, and people in it are free people. I know that the system of our higher education here is mandatory, but it doesnt mean it cant be change, we can change the whole system if we want to and put the effort forward. National: interms of the national level if you may ask yourself, how does the system can be financed, free education sounds good enough but where does the money come from? Well it was very much paid of by the government. Student has to pay nothing. According to BBC NEWS website, author Ben Carter, in a article which country has the highest tax rate? Published 25th of February 2014, Germany takes out 60.61% and united states takes out 60.45% on our salary. And in terms of sales tax Germany charges 50% more than what we pay. now you might not like this, but if we want to have a free education and a good future, we need to increase taxes just for a little bit. think about it! Would you rather be in debt for next 20 years or pay a little tax. I want you to advocate and support raising taxes. I want you to find a party that has the same interest as you. I want you to help me spread this awareness. Community: now here in Illinois representative Linda Chapa Lavia Introduced the bill HB3476 last February 26, 2015, posted on ILGA.GOV. Amends the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. Sets forth atuition and fee exemption at State universities for the children of woundedmilitary personnel. Contains provisions concerning eligibility for theexemption, the amount and length of the exemption, probation for failure toachieve a requisite cumulative grade point average, and disability ratings. Meaning to say, children of wounded military personnel will be eligible for free higher education following the academic qualification. This is a good start for us as a community, we can do better but as of now, Im going ask you to support Linda on this bill. We can help her by spreading this bill and let our voice to be heard. CONCLUSION:Further Im not going to tell you who to vote for or what to do in the next election. I just want you to be more politically engage. I want you to find a party th at will represent your voice. Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.-peter druckeri want you to work hard, study hard and think about the future of our country. Free with knowledge full of hope, full of chances and full of success. its a problem that has a huge impact to all of us. Simply because were here and we have to pay for being here. Imagine a place with full of bright minds, full of knowledge and imagination. Thats what were getting with our education so stand up and claim your access to a better future. Thank you.