Thursday, August 27, 2020

Well Done Is Better Than Well Said (by Moshood)

Very much shown improvement over all around said Distinguished women and respectable men, board of judges co-debaters’ and my kindred crowd a salaam alaykun. It gives me an incredible joy to represent the movement cited all around shown improvement over all around said. All around shown improvement over very much said; says who, this is a well known expression of the famous old printer Benjamin Franklin. I unequivocally faith in the colloquialism activity talks stronger than voice I don’t put stock in words I have confidence in real life, do you trust in words?!!! We have been living in a universe of unfulfilled guarantees, an existence where freedom just lies in words, have we not heard enough of the sweet covered expressions of our legislatures and president, to what extent would we say we will stay in this? , there are billions of guarantees yet to be satisfied by our pioneers, in the event that we had realized that their words were nothing we would not have decided in favor of them!!! What amount do all of you confide in your political pioneers, whose glossed over has no importance spare unfilled and pseudo guarantees. The administration guarantees harmony however yet slaughtering of men resembles that of executing chickens, the passing rate has is on the ascent and the graveyard continues accepting guests, well its so miserable to realize that words are handily stated, overlooked and sold out yet activities are definitely not. What might you say about the increasing pace of joblessness, would you be able to tally the occasions government have guaranteed business openings, well don’t be shocked in light of the fact that words anyway sweet and lovely will remain word if not went with activity. We need activity to change the orientation of this nation, we are possibly blessed at this point the expressions of our pioneers play little to carry us to the portion of progress. Decent appointed authorities, People effectively talk about what they can’t do, why cant men let their activity represent them, insightful men don’t talk their activity represents them, since activity expels the uncertainty that hypothesis can't fathom. Descending the steps to our public activities; duplicity, disloyalty and untruths has become an everyday movement, the three words â€Å"I LOVE YOU â€Å"has wound up numerous homes sad , troubled and has even lead to such huge numbers of torn homes , he professes to cherish her yet never show care, he professes to adore her however lack the capacity to deal with her, he hoodwinked her with the words â€Å"I LOVE YOU â€Å" just to cause her to endure and despondent, he double-crossed her trust in his words, he made her desire she knew the villain inside him yet no, she just observed his sweet covered words at first, presently she realizes that its not what we state that shows who we truly are, yet rather what we do. Daddy reveals to me a thousands time I love you however has consistently been occupied in is office and has no an ideal opportunity to go through with me, no an ideal opportunity to share issues together, no an ideal opportunity to disclose to me stories and show me virtues. Okay favor a thousand words to a decent deed? I would prefer to adhere to a decent deed as opposed to a thousand words. Let me help you to remember the way that champs have program yet failures have pardon, for what reason should one lecture what one can not do, accomplishing something great is more impressive and successful than saying it well, all discussion no activity makes somebody an egotistic numbskull that attempts to construct the high rise with their mouth.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Medications - Essay Example Likewise, there is the emphasis on the populace and patterns of medication use. The pattern is normally settled from understudies as the helpless populace. The information picked up is said to help in deciding the predominance and related hazard. The part likewise features different overviews done on patterns in medicate use. One believable source is demonstrated to be National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The part additionally features factors identified with medicate use. These elements are appeared as sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, level of training, character, and hereditary qualities. Also, the part features factors that may rouse a person to utilize the medication. Part 2 to a great extent centers around issues identified with tranquilize use and scarcely any issue of law corresponding to drugs. The area shows how laws have changed in the United States concerning issues identified with drugs. The primary worries for law were the threat presented by drugs, propensity from medicate use, and expanding levels of wrongdoing in the nation. The part likewise features poisonousness identified with drugs. There is additionally center around systems associated with gathering data on tranquilize related crisis. One of such system is supposed to be Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN). The part likewise features issues identified with drugs. Such issues are recorded as compulsion, issue, reliance, and inclusion in wrongdoing. There is likewise legitimization on explanations behind medications

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Delete Single, Bulk, Entire blog post from Blogger

How to Delete Single, Bulk, Entire blog post from Blogger After publishing a Blog post then you may find some error in your home page for example you have set 5 posts to be displayed in home page but after publishing the post this is displaying only 1 post. So in this case you should delete the post and republish it again. There are some other reason suppose you Blog post has become outdated then you should delete the post from your Blog site. But for deleting a Blog post you have to go through proper way. I will show you the way about deleting single post and bulk post. Deleting single Blog post? For deleting single blog post you have to do it from your Blogger dashboard. Just follow the below steps- Step 1Sign in to yourBlogger accountand go toDashboard Step 2From theDashboard just go to the Posts tab Step 3 Now hover over the post you'd like to delete. After hove Delete link will appear. Step 4 Click on Delete link and then confirm your deletion message will popup, from there click on OK button. Thats it you have successfully delete your Blog post. Now we will go for bulk deletion. Deleting Bulk or selected Blog post? In this time I will show you how to delete bulk posts. I mean 5/10 post at a time. Just follow the below steps- Step 1Sign in to yourBlogger accountand go toDashboard Step 2From theDashboard just go to the Posts tab Step 3 Now put tick on checkbox beside post title post that you'd like to delete. Select according to your like. After that click on Bin (Delete selected Post) icon at the top. Step 4 After that, a confirmation deletion message will popup, from there click on OK button. Thats it; you have successfully deleted your selected blog posts. How to Delete Entire blog Post? If you want to delete your entire Blog post then you should follow the following steps- Step 1Sign in to yourBlogger accountand go toDashboard Step 2From theDashboard just go to the Posts tab Step 3 Now put tick on select all checkbox from the top of the post lists. Now all of your Blog post will be selected. Step 4 After that, click on Bin (Delete selected Post) icon at the top. A warning message will appear and click on OK button for confirm delete. I can't delete a post? Sometime you will see that you wont able to delete a Blog post. This is basically happen if you are a Author or team member of a Blog. So if you wish to delete unnecessary or spam post that has posted by other author then you must contact with Site Admin. So s/he can delete that post. Things to do after deleting Post from Blog We think that just deleting Blog post it has completely removed from site and search engine. But not really must delete the post link from Google Webmaster tools. In addition remove the post links that you have shared on Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter or any other social sharing site. Otherwise if any visitor clicks on that link from social media site then it will display Error 404. For removing link you can visit the below link for tutorial. Recommended:Remove Outdated Content Link from Search Results and Cache

Monday, May 25, 2020

Freedom Is Impossible For All While Some Remain Enslaved

14. Some have argued that freedom is impossible for all while some remain enslaved. Identify a specific example of modern slavery (timeframe, country, and people affected) and discuss how this affects our assumptions of ubiquitous liberty. Freedom is a fundamental birth right, which empowers people to speak, and do as they please without confinement or physical constraint. Freedom is the act of allowing an individual to act independently and choose independently, regardless of outside forces impeding on those choices and actions. Being examined, is the argument that freedom is possible for all, while some remain enslaved. Female Genital Mutilation abbreviated as FGM will be addressed as an example of modern day slavery. The history of†¦show more content†¦FGM is fundamentally cultural, and although there are some religious sentiments to the practice, there is no mention of FGM in the Sunnah nor the Quran. It is likely, FGM developed independently among specific ethnic groups as a means of puberty rites. Nevertheless, traditionally FGM ensures women’s virginity and extricates all female desire and sexuality. FGM is upheld by traditional values and principles. In countries including, Sierra Leone, and Kenya, FGM is culturally valued as a rite of passage to womanhood. Whereas, in Sudan, Somalia, and Egypt where marriage is fundamental to a woman’s social and economic survival, FGM is a precondition to marriage and is valued as a means of preserving a young girl’s virginity until she is married. FGM is a detrimental custom, guided by inter-generational attitudes. Uncircumcised young girls in these cultures is taboo. It is evident, FGM is entrenched in culture, and â€Å"we live in a world shaped by the culture to which we belong. We owe our very modes of thinking and assessment to it†¦chance too has a part in the events that confront us in our life and often stand in our way. We do not act in a vacuum and so we cannot be free in a vacuum†. Meaning, systematically, people have loss of freedom. FGM is oppressive through societal expectations and norms. Proponents may argue that FGM is traditional and necessary due to being aShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1730 Words   |  7 Pagesit.†2 His birth name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, which was given by his mother Harriet Bailey, who died when he was about 10 years old. At a young age, Douglass was picked to live in the home of a plantation owner Captain Anthony, whom some believe may have been his father. In his narrative that was published in 1845, sixteen years before the Civil War began, Douglass describes his life as a slave and his aspiration to become a free man. He describes the painful struggle to break freeRead MoreThe Death Of Harriet s Punishment1126 Words   |  5 Pagestimeline in which they are told. Harriet Jacobs follows a chronological order when writing her autobiography. She starts from her young age, documenting every little detail; even the startling age where the realization of what she was dawned upon her; all the way until the day she reunites with her daughter. The same can be said for Charles Ball. He writes his autobiography as if he is reliving it as it is being recorded. He chronicles his long journeys as well as his upsetting departures from his familyRead MoreThe Segregation Of The Jim Crow Laws1521 Words   |  7 Pages The loud chatter of the audience at the old Park Theater in New York was for a one man show performed by Thomas Rice. To the all white audience, Jim Crow was vigorously funny. Clothed in a stable boy costume and a straw hat, his white face darkened by coal in a behaviour recognized as â€Å"blackface.† He danced and sang and even spoke in mockery of the black slang. He portrayed blacks as ignorant, greedy and foolish. Even though his act was for entertainment purposes, Thomas Rice implied through hisRead MoreInfluence Of Slavery On American History1351 Words   |  6 Pageseconomic growth of the United States of America. From its beginning, slavery has divided America on its pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Separating from its own oppressor on the words â€Å"That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights†¦ † while still holding these same beliefs and rights from men and women that were not white. Close to 40 percent of the population in the Southern â€Å"slave† states were the slaves themselves, so is it possibleRead MoreAnalysis Of Frederick Douglass s The Great House Farm 924 Words   |  4 PagesSeptember 2017 Within the Circle Early in his narrative, Frederick Douglass stresses his lack of understanding and his absence of a personal history due to being enslaved. He begins by telling stories of his main home during his time as a slave: the Great House Farm. He focuses on the songs the slaves use to sing about the Great House Farm. While singing these songs, Douglass states about being â€Å"within the circle† (26). Frederick Douglass highlights his lack of a personal history history by stating thatRead MoreA Perfect World Is Not A Linear Path Of Progress Essay2451 Words   |  10 PagesIn a perfect world, history would be a linear path of progress. We would be able to see all events or periods of time as moving us forward. History would be logical, a simple string of cause and effect that leads to our present. But humans are far from logical and therefore our history is far from simple. Human history is convoluted and progress is slow. We often go backwards before forwards. Yet we often let these details of struggle and regression get ironed over for the sake of a smooth and idealiz edRead MoreThe Civil War, Gallagher And Manning s Arguments On Slavery Essay1574 Words   |  7 Pagessometimes as a necessity if the Union were to remain safe or as the just course to take regarding African Americans.† He also differs from Manning in which he argues that many Northerners were against the emancipation of slaves because it not only gave more power to Southerners if it allowed slaves to be represented as whole people versus the 3/5ths of a person they counted as in the antebellum period. Gallagher even uses Captain Robert Shaw to argue that some Northerners believed the emancipation proclamationRead MoreThe Slavery Of The United States1808 Words   |  8 Pages Slavery is one of many unfortunate commonalities among cultures, along with war, governmental corruption, and poverty. Nearly every country on the planet, at some point in their history, has condoned the owning of humans by other humans. It may be tempting to view the establishment of the United States as an idyllic endeavor in which enlightened people joined together to create a new republic; however, choosing this view is ignoring the truth. Slave labor built this country from its infancy, andRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans2857 Words   |  12 Pagesand needy even including the runaway slaves. During that time he joined a political organized black community group. Walker became involved with the nation s first African American newspaper, that went by the name Freedom s Journal out of New York City, in which Walker contributed some. He spent a lot of time studying the global history of slavery and was an amazing leader in his community that denounced slavery in the South and discrimination in the North. Walker delivered a speech to one of theRead MoreSymbolism in the Color Purple by Alice Walker Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesWhen Celie is shopping for the first time in her life for new clothes, she wants to get something purple. However, she cannot find any purple garment while seeing a lot of people wearing purple. This is a symbol of her search for love: she sees so many people who are loved and happy, yet no matter how long and hard she looks, it seems impossible to find love and happiness for herself . From the beginning of the letters, Celie herself is a symbol of complete powerlessness herself. She is

Thursday, May 14, 2020

When It Comes To My Reasoning For Entering The Teaching

When it comes to my reasoning for entering the teaching profession, I think it stems from my own experiences within American schools. I have had profound teachers who have inspired and motivated me to continue to work towards preserving the ideas and beliefs that strengthen education. On the other hand, I have had subpar teachers who have influenced me to teach for alternate reasons. They have shown me that reform and change are needed to bring our education system back to the top, and I would love nothing more than to play a role in that transformation. While they may be contradicting ideas, the great, and the not so great, teachers in my past have pushed me to enter the teaching profession. I think I will be a good teacher because I†¦show more content†¦This camp was primarily sports-based, but interaction with campers was a part of my everyday routine. Coaching and counseling came with the task of effectively communicating and working with parents and guardians. I learned that working with these individuals is crucial to the overall success of the student athlete. 3. In regards to my experiences related to work with children in school, like many other of my peers, I have completed field placement work at local schools. I have served at Scott High School and Otsego High School. While completing both of these placements, I worked directly with a supervising teacher to accomplish tasks in the classroom. I began by simply observing and watching, but as I grew more comfortable, I was able to teach a few mini-lessons. While at Otsego, I worked 1-on-1 with students who were struggling with reading and writing. It was extremely rewarding to directly see the impact I was making on these students. 4. I have been involved in a variety of extra-curricular activities while in college. I currently hold two on-campus positions. I work as an attendant at the Perry Field House assisting with the daily operations of the facility. I have worked here since August of 2016. I also work as a P.E.A.K. Peer Advisor for the Office of Pre-Major and Academic Planning. For this position, I hold weekly office hours to meet with students who are seeking assistance. I often times help students, largely freshmen and undecided students, with creatingShow MoreRelatedPiagets Developmental Stages Essay920 Words   |  4 Pagesgenerally begin after the infant has learned to crawl, stand, walk, and get more mobile abilities. I handed my infant niece, Harper, a set of keys, thinking she would shake them and giggle at the noise they made. I thought this because in Piaget’s developmental stage, sensorimotor, it states that infants learn from experimenting and their main focus is what is happening in that very moment. My prediction was correct. As soon as I held the keys in front of her she began to reach for them. Then onceRead MorePersonal Statement For Becoming A Certified Elementary School Teacher1523 Words   |  7 PagesCertification Program EDU 250: An Introduction to Teaching Abstract This paper explores the information presented to me in EDU 250 and it’s application toward my future endeavors as an educator. The purpose of this paper is to represent the material I have learned throughout the introductory course. Matthew Lynch’s, The Call to Teach (2014), helps guide my discussion and description of learned material. My goal is to discuss my reasoning for entering the teaching profession as well as to highlight upon learnedRead MoreMath Problems Into Real World Scenarios Essay1702 Words   |  7 Pagesit. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively- It’s important that students are able to pause during solving the problem and continue to analyze, reflect and strategize for the solution as needed. 3. 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Each play station was smallRead MoreThe Tension Between Faith and Reason Essay1643 Words   |  7 PagesEntering the ancient discussion about the tension between faith and reason is not an easy task. Of course, when engaging in tensions it is always important to define terms. For the sake of consistency I will refer to Oxford’s online dictionary for both the definition of faith, as well as reason. Faith is â€Å"complete trust or confidence in someone or something.† Reason is â€Å"a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.† These are the definitions that will be used throughout this paper

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why we should raise the minimum wage - 1202 Words

Narin Gopaul Professor Flanagan Enc1101 8/4/2013 It s the year 2014, and we are in the state of the financial crisis which is still being felt across the nation by the majority of Americans. Many Americans who have worked on minimum wages are struggling to live on a salary that is below the poverty threshold. In 2012, the U.S census posted that in a family of three; their income is 18,552, (U.S Census). In most case, one member of the family is working on a minimum wage salary which is below 18,552, (U.S. Dept. of Labor). It has been almost a five years since congress has raised the minimum wage (Huff Post). Throughout my argument, I will share my thoughts as wells as facts on why congress should agree to raise the minimum wage. We†¦show more content†¦Inflation has also been one of the signature conflicts of raising the minimum wage. In the past 5 to six years, the inflations levels have been at 1.5 percent (CNN money). By raising the minimum wage, should not increase inflation but help it maintain its current state. When adjusted for inflation, the current federal minimum wage would need to be more than $8 per hour to equal its purchasing power of the early 1980s and more nearly $11 per hour t o equal its buying power of the late 1960s (U.S dept. Labor). That s why President Obama is urging Congress to increase the federal minimum wage and give low-wage workers a much-needed boost. When it comes to raising the minimum wage, it s an essential (U.S dept. Labour)ingredient in entering a stable economic society. Congress must raise to the challenge or face the consequences of a declining economy. With more than 70 percent of working class people working on minimum wages, the economy will surely benefit from giving them an increase. If they refuse to make an advancement towards the situation; we will make it very difficult for our future generations to raise out poverty. Help the working class people of American and pave a brighter road to our future economy. Lift the spirits of the American by giving them a raise. The cry of millions of American citizens living in poverty is most important to the economy. Whereas, raisingShow MoreRelatedShould Minimum Wage Be Raised?1062 Words   |  5 PagesTo raise or not to raise? That is the ever pressing question regarding Minimum wage. Not many subjects can ignite a controversy as quickly as that of whether or not minimum wa ge should be raised, or by how much should it be raised or if it should remain the same. What is minimum wage? By definition, minimum wage is the minimum hourly wage an employer can pay an employee for work. (â€Å"†) America’s minimum wage was first introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. That minimumRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised1395 Words   |  6 PagesIn today’s society, minimum wage is an issue. It’s whether or not it should be raised or lowered. This interests almost everyone due to the fact that everyone wants to make money and the amount should reflect the work and skills that are put in. The minimum wage is a major antijobs policy. First things first, the minimum wage buys a lot less than it used to. Only Congress can adjust the federal minimum wage, and it doesn’t necessarily increase with inflation. As a result, its buying power has diminishedRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Legal1239 Words   |  5 PagesLisa Valk Kristoffer Martin English Composition Raise Minimum Wage There is not one state in the US where a minimum wage worker can afford a two-bedroom unit at fair market rent, working a standard 40-hour work week(There are a few states where this is not true. Also, the fair market rent is the average cost. It doesn t reflect the super expensive and bottom rent places). The federal minimum wage would be $10.86 [per hour] if it had kept up with inflation over the past 40 years. Instead, it isRead MoreMinimum Wage Persuasive Essay1106 Words   |  5 Pagesmore than the federal minimum wage? If you said yes then perhaps you are unaware of the many negative effects surrounding a higher minimum wage and after reading this you will be educated on why the minimum wage should not be raised. In the beginning, the minimum wage was created with good intentions. It was originally established in 1938 and was $.25 an hour (Sessions). It was created to make sure that businesses would not take advantage over workers. While the minimum wage was and still is a go odRead MoreA Brief Note On Raising Minimum Wage1088 Words   |  5 PagesRaising minimum Wage There is always talk about the problems of North Carolina’s economy, and these problems then become publicized and put throughout the media, informing people on the condition of their state’s economy. A popular topic lately is the state’s minimum wage, and whether it should be raised or if we should keep the current minimum wage. Usually, opinions vary on what to do about minimum wage, however there certainly seems to be a larger group of people going for the raise in minimumRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Significantly Increased in the United States?1450 Words   |  6 PagesThe minimum wage was set in a federal mandate back in the 1938, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to have a minimum hourly wage set across the United States. The bill is known as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It was founded to boost the low-income families and provide some money to the full time workers. In its original form, the bill first covered about 38 percent of the workers in America such as covering the workers in the mining field and transportation industry. As we became more technologicallyRead MoreEssay Should Congress Raise Minimum Wage?614 Words   |  3 PagesShould Congress Raise Minimum Wage? As our federal government debates the idea to raise the minimum wage, there are several interesting questions that occur. Most importantly, should we raise the minimum wage? I believe it is a bad idea to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour up to $10.10 or more in a short period of time. I will explain why raising minimum wage radically would kill jobs and hurt our economy. The main reason raising the minimum wage radically would kill the economy is theRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate ( Hassett Strain )973 Words   |  4 PagesWhen we think about minimum wage and what our belief on raising it is, most people think one of two things. People hold to the belief that a raise to the minimum wage good for the economy or it is bad for the economy. The authors of â€Å"the minimum wage debate† (Hassett Strain, 2013) would attempt to have us look at the debate in another way. In their article they use a number of rhetorical techniques on us to try and have the reader examine why they are in favor of a raise in the minimum wage. AreRead MoreMinimum Wages During 21st Century America1649 Words   |  7 PagesMinimum Wages in 21st Century America In the United States the time has come for the next president to be elected and the political fervor has come early this year with an unconventional, surprisingly interesting primary race. With the coming of a new commander in chief the incessant grilling of the candidates has begun and issues, such as poverty in the United States, are being given the national spot light during debates. The issue of poverty has recently gained traction among citizens as wellRead More America Must Create Jobs Essay1475 Words   |  6 PagesPrices everywhere are on the rise as wages are declining drastically. Class division has never been more distinct. Of those lucky enough to have secured the multiple jobs needed in order to maintain their subsistent existences, most make only a minimum wage, established by their state’s laws, which is then harshly taxed upon. Life is hard enough in our dying superpower of a nation, but even worse for the work force of America that must survive on minimum wag e. It is an offending disappointment that

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Con pornography Essay Example For Students

Con pornography Essay As the amount and severity of sexually explicit materials grows in our society questions of these materials hurting people have risen. It is said that men get explicit ideas from certain types of music, movies, and pornography. As a result of these explicit ideas, men force women into what they want them to do and to degrade them. The idea that men use force in their relations due to pornographic substances is preposterous. Men who use force in their relations with women have done so for centuries before the camera was invented (Pally 24). It is obvious that men have abused women before pornography but people still say that some of abuse against women is a result of pornography.Pornography has many positive aspects some are commonly overlooked. In the debate over the issue of pornography and its negative characteristics, rarely does anyone hear the benefits that society has from pornography. Pornography has been seen to help relationships and create more stable and long lasting marriages (Christensen 311). People have preset beliefs about pornography without ever looking at the facts. The belief that pornography is evil in itself is simply wrong (Christensen 309). Although sometimes thought otherwise, pornography is not harmful to women and has many positive effects, such as helping relationships and creating more stable and longer lasting marriages.Pornography has been around ever since people began to mold clay into human shapes (Cothran, 15). Eventually people began to paint pictures of women in the nude as a form of art. This was also initially seen as crude and as an early form of pornography. Eventually with the invention of the printing press, pornography could easily be given out among the masses, which brought about controversy. In the 1700s an English editor Thomas Bowdler, removed passages from Shakespeare because he thought they were obscene (Cothran,15). Continuing the pornographic evolution was the VCR. The high accessibility to a VCR in the 1980s started the X-rated video market. Today the Internet has millions of pictures, movies, and online catalogs of sex movies for anyone to access creating an even deeper mountain of deliberation on the issue. In response to pornography, society has tried to come to a conclusion that satisfies all, but this seems more and more unreachable due to the fact that there are many different moral and religious views on the subject. Over the years there have been attempts to pass laws on pornography and some have even brought crusades against it. Through all of the controversy there have been many tests to determine if pornography is harmful to society and, the general conclusion of the U. S. Commission was that no adequate proof had been provided that pornography was harmful to individual or society(Simons 143). Also the commission stated for further incidents if a case is to be made out against pornography in 1970 it will have to be made on the grounds other than demonstrated effects of a personal or social nature(Simons 143). As more tests and findings have become uncovered about pornography the controversy began to grow larger. In 1983 the Toronto Task Force on Violence Against Women asked Thelma McCormack, a feminist open to pornography in society, to study pornographys relationship with sexual aggression. Her results showed that pornography might reduce the incidence of rape so her report was discarded (McElroy 85). Numerous tests and government run commissions have been attempted and regardless of the findings, the people choose their own conclusions. There have been several cases about the dangers of pornography, many of which have gone all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court (Showers 21). After the many court cases and trials, 29 cities and the state of Utah have taken hardcore pornography and made it illegal to have (Showers 22). These actions are consistently always under fire because of the possible violations of the First Amendment. A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay In Medieval Europe there were no pornographic magazines or X-rated videotapes for men to release their sexual frustration. Gever says that these cultures that are known for having high instances of rape, did not have a way such as the pornography that society has today and that is why pornography is positive for society as a whole. On the side of the opposition of pornography a common excuse is that rapists and child molesters were driven to commit their crimes by pornography. According to research by The National Research Councils Panel on Understanding and Preventing Violence there is no demonstrated link between pornography and violence against women (Gever 54). This statement continues to push the fact that pornography has become an excuse for other problems in society today. Furthermore, research by Larry Baron and Murray Straus, members of a national feminist organization, shows a negative correlation between pornography and gender violence (Gever 53). It is obviously clear that pornography does not commit any of the evils that it is accused of and has become a scapegoat for societys wrongs. The main goal in the battle with pornography is to stop the continuing sexual violence that is accused of being a result of pornography. A way to help eliminate the sexual violence that is often falsely accredited to pornography is to have better laws for violators of this crime that has large effects on society. Also a way to improve the controversy that floats around pornography would be to have better sex education groups that can teach young adults the relationship of sex and society and themselves (Burstyn 164). It was said best by Varda Burstyn who is a writer on political and cultural issues and has been involved in the womens movement since 1967, when she said, Ending Abuse depends upon changing the way family life is lived in our society(Burstyn 164).Pornography has been and always will be a topic of extreme controversy. People will always have opposing viewpoints on the subject and will feel strongly about it. The relationship between pornography and sexual violence against women is important to society because of the importance of feminism in society. Because women are important so are the crimes that are committed against them. Also, pornography has been subject to accusations that it does not benefit society when it clearly does. There is no doubt that censoring pornography would have an ill effect on society because the ACLU states that, Obscenity laws, especially, have been used to suppress information and art dealing with female sexuality and reproduction(ACLU, 80).If pornography was banned or strictly enforced in America then society would be lacking of the educational values of pornography and of the sexual release that stops and possibly helps prevent sexual violence against women. The main thing that pornography does is generate sexual arousal for men. While it also can produce the same effect for women it is mostly aimed at men. The truth is that pornography does not depict a reality for men but a sexual fantasy. If women in reality always accommodated to the sexual desires of men, if women were in fact full slaves, then the depiction of their accommodations in pornography might not arouse(Soble, 199). The fact that pornography does not paint a picture of reality to the viewer shows that pornography produces a fantasy for a release of built up and possible dangerous sexual frustration. This just goes to show that pornography is seen as a danger to women and society and actually has many positive aspects that help in turn regulate society and women in it.Words/ Pages : 1,961 / 24